Saturday, January 6, 2024

The inexplicable rise and quite explicable fall

A very articulate point.  From Claudine Gay: the great DEI grift exposed by Martin Hackworth.  The subheading is, amusingly, Will no one rid us of these meddlesome thieves?

Gay’s inexplicable rise and quite explicable fall illustrate, in a difficult-to-misinterpret fashion, the plain grift that is the DEI industry.

You can explain and attempt to justify DEI in all of the highfalutin terms that you want, but in the end, it comes down to something quite simple: it’s a way for those who eschew achievement, merit, honesty, and perseverance to get ahead on the dubious grounds of identity. It’s a con game designed to pour money into the coffers of those for whom a genuine work ethic is anathema.

It's plain and simple grift, endorsed by our own government and institutions of higher education. You know, the same people who are supposed to be watching out for such things on our behalf. 

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