Friday, April 16, 2010

Explaining science fiction to women

Megan McArdle is one of my favorite bloggers/essayists and I make a point of visiting her blog at least weekly. Partly it is that, while generally writing about economics and policy, she not infrequently veers onto other topics completely, but ones that are still amusing or intriguing. Another reason that I like her site is that the quality of her commenters and their comments tends to be distinctly a cut above average.

In 2008, McArdle had this post about Explaining science fiction to women which was entertaining anyway but the comments were almost equally so.

As every book reader knows, there is no accounting for taste and some of our closest friends just will never grasp our love for a particular book, author or genre. As one of her commenters puts it, "Vive la difference requires difference, no?"

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