Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A vegetarian butcher, eh? Well, it's an interesting business model for a challenging time.

From an article (Wurst Case Scenario by Andrew D. Blechman in the January 2010 edition of The Smithsonian Magazine)
I had spoken by phone with Gero two weeks earlier, trying to put Axel's struggle and the rapid decline of Germany's most iconic profession into context. "A vegetarian butcher, eh?" Gero had said. "Well, it’s an interesting business model for a challenging time. Most butchers are branching out into catering, cafes or organic products - so-called 'green meat.' Everyone must specialize if they want to survive. I guess selling vegetables is one way to do that. We could all use more balance in our diet, and I know plenty of overweight butchers who might benefit from eating more vegetables. But I have a feeling it means we've lost yet another butcher."

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