Sunday, June 21, 2009

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana

Spent an hour this afternoon at the Book Nook with my youngest son. Found some books for just about everyone. I also picked up a complete Longfellow's Complete Poems published in 1922. When I was going through it on getting home, I realized it was inscribed:
Best wishes,

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana

A little searching reveals that this most literary of names belongs to the grandson of the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. HWLD lived from 1881 - 1950, was a professor at Harvard and then Columbia University till he was fired for his anti-war positions in 1917.

A small rivulet of history and literature of which I was unaware, washed into my hands through the magic of a used bookstore. One can only speculate by what circuitous path it made its way from presumably the northeast in 1922 to Atlanta in 2009, but I am happy that it did.

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